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    The Importance of Boosting Morale in the Workplace

    Especially in the current political climate, it may not always be easy to remain upbeat every day and arrive to work with a positive mental attitude. There’s a variety of things business owners can implement to help give their staff a regular boost of good vibes and encourage engagement. After all, a happy workplace is a productive one?

    Important messages about mental health are gaining momentum in the media and so, there’s plenty of sources to seek inspiration from if you want some ideas about how to boost morale amongst your staff.

    To get you started, we’ve got a guide for you from Where The Trade Buys Print: experts in printed brochures for a range of industries.

    Mental health issues are a big deal

    Society has opened up a great deal when it comes to talking about mental health issues across the country. Research has revealed that around 45% of employees may experience a mental health illness at one point in their lives, which can have a huge influence on our lifestyle – both personally and professionally.

    There are many areas that an encounter with mental health issues impact. Anxiety for example, impacts over two million Aussies each year. 4% of people will experience depression on the other hand, 5% of which will be women and 3% men.

    In the workplace, 1 in 6.8 people experience mental health problems also. However, figures go on to say that women who are in full-time employment are twice as likely to have common mental health issues than their male counterparts. Studies have shown through a $1 investment into mental health, some businesses have welcomed up to $15 in return. From this great ROI, you can ensure that productivity levels remain high and encourage fewer sick days across your organisation.

    Positive posters are worth investing in

    Many mental health charities encourage both businesses and schools to invest in ‘positive posters’. Although these may be subjective to the chosen establishment, they’re mostly well-designed posters that promote words of encouragement to help people get through the day with a smile on their face.

    This can range from simple text that reads ‘You’re doing great’ to ‘Your work matters and you are valued’. Humorous illustrations that are relatable to both your employees and your business are becoming more popular too – why not create your own mental health mascot? This is something that can definitely bring light to something which is often a brushed over.

    Staff socials promote better working relationships

    Make your staff feel appreciated by arranging events (see this article here to know more) that are either held during the working day or outside of work hours. Not only can this create new experiences for your team, but also allow them to form better relationships with their colleagues which will undoubtedly help productivity in your business.

    This can range from taking your staff to participate in competitive events with other businesses in the area (such as sports days and football matches) to regular team meals, quiz nights or trips away. It could also include small yet effective steps that assure the safety and comfort of the employees.

    Let’s say you run a healthcare business, then, a great way to improve morale would be putting the needs and preferences of the healthcare providers at the heart of design processes. This can ensure that your recommendations and solutions are user-friendly and meet their requirements. That said, offering to implement the use of something like Teal Scrubs or (those of a similar color) that combines the choice of a bright color with other beneficial features, can be a meaningful gesture for employees and can help you show that they are valued and cared for. Moreover, providing scrubs with a uniform color and branding creates a professional and cohesive appearance, which can enhance the overall image of the healthcare facility. All in all, the use of simple incentives can definitely improve attitude in your workplace, while making people feel respected in their role.

    Company perks attract the top talent

    When someone is applying for a position at a company, one of the first things they will look at is the benefits that you offer. This can persuade someone to join a company or not, so if you’re looking to attract the top talent in your industry, you need to offer them something more than just a competitive salary.

    For many businesses, this includes a great pension scheme, regular corporate events, therapy sessions and of course a decent amount of federal holidays (check the list of holidays). If you’re not in a position to offer benefits directly from your own pocket, team up with businesses in the area and trade your services. Many employees like the thought of being able to take the day off work for a mental health re-charge and still get paid – is this something that you could offer? Additionally, you can also make sure that your employees have access to their healthcare coverages or you can make it accessible for them with a direct-to-employer medical provider. Make use of a healthcare navigator similar to what Eden Health provides (if you need more information, check over here) to ensure that you get the best health coverage for your employees.

    Why not award ‘employee of the month’?

    Just like company benefits, your employees will enjoy any internal incentives that you can offer. This could range from something as simple as Employee of the Month where the winner could receive a voucher for their favourite store or evening the option to allowing them to leave the office an hour early. This will encourage some healthy competition in the office!

    Another idea could be writing an entire blog post about them and the great work they do for your company blog, which can then be posted across social media. Staff will definitely appreciate the recognition and share it with all of their friends. Many young companies are also introducing Friday beers and buffet to get the weekend started! There’s a lot to consider…

    Clearly, there are a lot of ways that you could boost morale in your office. But the question is, how are you going to do it? Make sure to let us all know.


    Beyond happiness: What is the true cost of mental health on business?