The sexual offences act 2003 is a very important piece of legislation here in the legal system of the UK and explains in full detail what constitutes the criminal sexual offences of rape, assault by penetration, sexual assault and causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent. It explains in full detail what is meant by consent and what is deemed as sexual, with much emphasis on the major issues surrounding consent which is a key factor in all sexual offence cases.
The sexual offences act 2003 was created to replace the Sexual Offences Act 1956, so it is current, up-to-date and relevant for the society of this generation. It is in place to ensure the safety of victims of sexual crimes, to deal with perpetrators effectively and to prevent criminal sexual behaviour. It is also important for helping to prevent and protect children from sexual abuse and other sexual acts.
If you have been accused of a sexual offence then this can have a devastating detrimental impact on all aspects of your life and therefore it is vital that you contact an experienced and specialised sexual offence solicitor to assist and advise you from the very onset. Whether it is a false allegation, a mistake on your behalf or you are guilty of committing a criminal sexual act, it is important that you contact your solicitor immediately to prevent implicating yourself any further than you may have already done so.
Why do you need a solicitor?
It is important that you speak to a Sexual Assault Lawyer as soon as you are arrested. You will receive a summons or a charge sheet so that they can be present at the police station to advise you and represent you throughout your case. You will find that with the assistance of a solicitor you will be given the time to calm your nerves and collect your thoughts, and together you can put together a well thought out and carefully planned strategy for dealing with the police and the authorities to present yourself in a positive light and answer their questions effectively and correctly to achieve the best possible outcome for yourself in the situation.
Depending on the nature of the sexual offence unfortunately you can be charged and prosecuted very severely. The role of your solicitor will be to minimise this for you as much as possible using their knowledge and expertise. They will train you on how to deal with the police and other authorities. They will try to gather any witnesses that they can who may be able to help your situation. They will try to put together as much evidence as possible that will help reduce the severity of the nature of the crime and they will make sure to submit all this in a timely manner as well as completing all necessary paperwork correctly and on time aswell, to prevent any further Complications or delays to your case.