If you are looking to spend your advertising wisely, I suggest you consider the option of taking out some space on my website. I can guarantee you 13โ€™000 unique monthly website visitors, all of whom are seeking financial advice. You are not placing an advertisement just hoping to reach your target group, you can be certain of doing so when advertising on my site.

Throughout the life of my website and blog, I have been collecting website data, sending out visitor surveys and finding out, just what attracts them to my site. The vast majority are not merely seeking advice and information, but are in the process of starting a new business or developing an existing one. Any company or individual providing products or services in support of my readers can be sure of reaching just the right kind of people.

Online advertising also works, because website visitors are actively seeking advice, products and services which ultimately means that they will see your advertisement at precisely the right time, just when they are ready to purchase your product or avail of your service. The same effectiveness cannot be found in any other form of advertising as print, TV and radio advertisements are often directed at a large number of people just not interested or just not at the right moment in time.

I have had the privilege to have numerous well established businesses advertising on my site and I have been glad to make space available for emerging new enterprises. Advertising is only as valuable as the revenue you gain from it and my many advertisers have reported excellent results from their campaigns on my site.

How it Works

Generally, businesses get in touch, some with very clear ideas and concept others with just the mere wish to avail of the optimum access to a new customer base my site provides. In both instances, we jointly embark on a planning, design and implementation process by firstly analysing your objectives, gathering all the necessary information about your service or product and then by jointly creating a campaign. Some of my advertisers take care of the ad design themselves while others avail of the assistance I provide in this area. Once the ad is ready for publication, we carefully examine where the ad is best placed for optimum effect. This might involve looking at blog post content or by simply guiding you through the different physical spaces available to you. We advise you on the best placement, taking your ideas into account.

As soon as the ad is published, we start monitoring click numbers and await your response. If you feel that the ad needs to be placed differently or would like to make other changes, we are always open to suggestions.

Goals, Targets and Benefits

My goal is to give you access to my 13โ€™000 unique monthly visitors and turn as many as possible into clients for your business. Advertising must produce results and our entire process is focused on achieving your revenue increase objectives. It is essential to set out real targets and define clear goals, in order to measure the effectiveness of your ad.

Generally, my advertisers have seen the following benefits from advertising on my site:

  • Putting Their Company on the Map and Maximising Visibility: Online visibility is essential for any business and targeted advertising on my website will raise your company profile and make 13โ€™000 new people aware of your product or service.
  • Excellent Design and Placement Redirect Readers to Your Site: A stunningly designed and smartly placed ad will have my website visitors view your company blog or website and allow you to introduce your offerings to them.
  • 13โ€™000 People Ready to Avail of Your Services or Purchase Your Products: It is extremely likely that many of the 13โ€™000 readers are actually looking for the type or service or product you provide. Previous advertisers have spoken about easy sales and floods of new clients.

What You Need to Do Next

We can quickly embark on this joint process and all you need to do is drop me a line including all vital information.ย I will get in touch and we will do the rest as a team, strongly focused on getting you a return for your investment.
