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Preventive dentistry a modern approach

It appears that the days of ‘filling and drilling’ are a thing of the past thanks to modern technology and equipment that a local dentist in Stevenage is able to provide. The research and investment put towards this sector of dentistry benefits patients as well. It is often said that prevention is better than cure and with regards to caries, this holds perfectly true.

Caries, or tooth cavities are a major health condition that affect a whopping 60% to 90% of school children and most adults. The early stages of this condition are often very hard to spot and hidden from sight between teeth or within the grooves of molars. It consists of a softening of the enamel as it becomes demineralised.

This weakened enamel eventually collapses which is what dental health care providers and patients refer to as a cavity. It continues to destroy the tooth structure and unless identified and treated early can cause immense pain to an individual and even result in the loss of the entire tooth.

How are they caused?

When acids in foods react with bacteria naturally found on teeth it causes plaque. Most reactive acids are found in sugars that people consume habitually in the form of sugary drinks, foods and sweets.

This reaction demineralises the enamel by removing the calcium and phosphate that is present in the enamel. The demineralisation causes a softening and eventual collapsing of the tooth structure.

This is why dental health care professionals urge patients to ensure that they brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day, avoid sugary foods and wash their mouths out with water after eating, in order to reduce the amount of exposure that tooth enamel has to this reaction between bacteria and acid.

Cavities caused by weakened teeth last a lifetime and irreversibly damage the integrity of a patient’s overall oral health. By remaining cavity free, or with as few cavities as possible for as long as possible, patients are able to enjoy a healthier and stronger mouth that can serve them for a greater length of time.

How is modern technology helping to improve this situation?

With great advancements in magnification and lighting, professionals are able to use these forms of equipment in daily check-ups to maximise the possibility that even the earliest signs of decay can be spotted.

With early, preventive care in the form of remineralising the enamel and removing the sources of destruction, people can prevent cavities from forming.

This is groundbreaking in the way that modern dentistry is reshaping the system in which they are caring for their patients’ teeth. There is now a chance to ensure that a patient’s smile remains healthy by halting potential issues in their tracks.

However, for this to happen, patients also need to ensure that they frequently visit their dental health care provider to allow them to monitor any slight changes that could be occurring to their teeth and gums. By visiting a dentist twice a year and by following an appropriate oral hygiene routine, patients can make sure that they are doing all they can to keep their natural teeth strong and healthy for life.