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    Increase Efficiency and Decrease Stress with 5 Time Management Techniques

    Because of the current health crisis, you may be working from home most of the time. Despite the increased convenience of work from home arrangements, you may still end up feeling stressed. According to a Gallup survey of 7,500 full-time worker, 23 percent of the respondents experienced burnout most of the time.

    Time is actually one of the factors that can affect your stress levels. When working from home, you’re probably juggling multiple responsibilities and have trouble finding the time for all of them. You might have trouble finding the time to exercise between ending your shift and fixing dinner.

    Without proper time management skills, your body can start to feel the debilitating effects of stress.

    How Stress Affects Your Body

    Overwhelming stress can have serious physiological and psychological effects on your body. Unchecked, the stress you’re feeling from not having a good grip on time can lead to serious health problems like high blood pressure and even chronic illnesses like diabetes and cardiac problems.

    Physical effects of stress include the following:

    • Constant fatigue
    • Problems with sleep
    • Continuous chest pains
    • Headaches and migraines

    Behavioral issues from stress can also pile unto these physical problems, further increasing the damage on your body. Such issues include:

    • Problematic eating habits such over or undereating
    • Sluggishness leading to lack of exercise
    • Consuming too much tobacco or alcohol

    You can prevent these negative effects from affecting your body by getting a handle on your time management skills. Along with this, give yourself some time for recreational activities after the stressful days at work. While some people prefer hanging out with friends, others opt for CBD products (like the ones available at mmj express, for instance) to relieve their stress. Find out what works for you and try incorporating it into your routine.

    Managing Your Time Efficiently

    Effective time management is one of the best ways you can take care of your body. By using reliable strategies to control your schedule and workloads, you can reduce the amount of stress you go through every day. Moreover, it would also help you finish your tasks on time and you can have enough time for yourself in which you can hang out with friends, booze a little, or take some greens (shatter online canada could be useful in this regard, especially if you reside in this country) to make yourself stress-free and energized for the next day’s work.

    Here are 5 ways you can manage your schedule efficiently and help you make time for everything you need or want to do.

    • Use Technology

    Your smartphone and laptop have enough computing power and software to help you plot your schedule months in advance. The most basic calendar applications allow you to keep track of all your dealing in a single month.

    More advanced daily planner programs can further divide the day into hourly or even half-hour increments. Alarms and notifications are perfect for reminding you when you need to do tasks and prompts you with appointments.

    Use spreadsheets to help you audit your time. Catalogue how much time you spend on specific tasks on these documents, so you can determine where you could whittle down precious minutes.

    • Create a Daily Task List

    The to-do List is a tried and tested method of keeping track of what you need to accomplish during the day. Create an itemized list of all tasks for the day. Separate work-related tasks and home-related tasks into their own lists.

    Make these lists even more effective by arranging tasks according to importance, making sure you complete priority tasks first. You’ll also get a satisfying feeling each time you cross off a task after completion.

    • Schedule Lots of Breaks

    Don’t forget to include plenty of small breaks in your schedule. Taking lots of smaller rest periods can be more effective in helping you recuperate between tasks than taking prolonged breaks. Review your daily schedule and see where you can insert breaks.

    You should lump together tasks of a similar nature and put a break between them and the next batch of tasks. This gives your brain enough time to cool down and recalibrate for your next activity. On your breaks, ; listen to music, take a power nap, or enjoy a healthy lunch with brown rice.

    • Determine Productive Hours

    Although some people are more productive during the morning, you may operate on a different schedule. Try to gauge when you are most productive, and your brain is most engaged. Is it after you’ve drunk your morning coffee? Or is if a few hours after lunchtime?

    Once you identify your most productive hours, you can make sure you schedule your most important tasks in these time period.

    • Set Task Time Limits

    Don’t spend inordinate amounts of time on a single task. Check your schedule for repetitive tasks.

    For example, if you’re in charge of daily briefings on your teleconference meetings or vacuuming your living room. Plot out how long it takes for you to accomplish these tasks and make sure you don’t go over this time limit when doing them again.

    Sticking to a set time limit for tasks helps you organize them more efficiently and reduce your overall time spent in the long run.

    Time management is one of the most valuable skills you can learn. Not only can it help you excel in your career, it will also keep you from cluttering your personal life or compromising your health. Learn how to properly manage your time to improve your life today.