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    Fed up with having stained, spaced or crooked teeth? 3 ways a smile makeover can change your life!

    Just like a facial makeover that is available at almost every department store across the UK, smile makeovers are becoming more commonplace in dental surgeries. Combining the power of almost every type of restorative and cosmetic dental procedure, a smile makeover can change your life! Straightening misaligned teeth, filling gaps and having a touch of whitening afterwards, you may not recognise your smile!

    Simply decide how you want your final smile to look post-makeover, bring in some photographs and discuss the feasibility of achieving your new smile with your dentist. They will be able to discuss the best methods available to get your smile glowing and can suggest the best cosmetic options to create your desired smile in the fastest time.

    Anything from tooth whitening to a full set of dental implants, your cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can help you get a new, Hollywood worthy smile that you can be proud of.

    Aside from the obvious cosmetic benefits of a smile makeover, there are many other advantages to giving your teeth a bit of TLC with a smile makeover, some of which you might not expect!

    Better first impressions

    Humans like to smile and when we meet new people, one of the first things we do instinctively is to show our teeth.

    Unsurprisingly, if we meet someone new and have slightly crooked or stained teeth, that person is going to make a negative association with us, which can cause havoc to our personal and working life. Having stained teeth whitened with either in-surgery whitening or veneers can give your smile a much needed boost, while a cosmetic brace like Invisalign can help gradually straighten your teeth. Now that is a confidence booster!

    Improved mental health

    Neurologists have long discussed the psychological benefits of flashing your pearly whites as often as possible; people who smile more tend to be happier and have more stable mental health.

    As smiling is a natural process, when we smile, our brains release feel-good chemicals called dopamine and serotonin, which in turn reduce stress levels, improve mood and heighten creativity. If you are wary of smiling due to the appearance of your teeth, then it stands to reason that your mood is likely to be suffering.

    A smile makeover will give you a reason to smile and can help boost your confidence at the same time! What have you got to lose?

    Better physical health

    Having gaps in your smile is never a good look and can cause intense underconfidence.

    But, having a smile makeover which combines both veneers and dental implants to fill those gaps can cause a boost in confidence while also improving your health.

    When we chew food, we need all of our teeth to break it down correctly for digestion; having missing teeth does not allow this, and can lead to gastrointestinal issues like bloating, gas, malabsorption, and acid reflux!

    Having fitted permanent prostheses like dental implants and veneers will help you bite, chew and break down your food with ease.