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    Hidden braces, a unique chance for effective treatment

    A person with straight teeth is 58% more likely to be thought of as successful. As judgemental as this sounds, it is understandable why so many young people and adults alike seek to correct their unique smiles

    5 Tips For Opening A Successful Restaurant

    There will always be a place for the restaurant industry in business. People have to eat, and they don’t always have the time to prepare a home cooked meal. The bottom line is that our culture pushes

    The Bad Girls Of Business: 5 Notorious Pink Collar Criminals

    When you think of white collar criminals, it is typically a man.  Historically men make up an overwhelming proportion of white collar criminals, but the times are changing.  As women make their rise in the world of

    3 Safety Tips For Working Throughout A Pregnancy

    It’s true when they say that women can now have it all: a successful career and a happy family. However, if you think that nothing will change once you get pregnant, you’re in for a rude awakening.

    5 Tips For Getting Your New Business Off The Ground

    Congratulations on starting your own business! Chances are that the air is full of possibilities and you’re enthusiastic about your success. However, it’s essential to know that starting your own business is full of challenges. In general,

    Hot Button E-Commerce and Online Opportunities for Women

    Women can have a tough time of it if they are trying to start businesses. With the first face-to-face conversation that happens with men in charge,  women can get bullied out of the room. It has been

    A journey no one needs to know about

    Many adults can find it embarrassing to wear a traditional device to straighten their teeth, generally a rite of passage for teenagers needing to treat a malocclusion. As patients grow up and create an image for themselves

    How to Take Care of an Elderly Person

    One of the most rewarding things you can do in life is to care for an elderly person. There are so many ways to care for an elderly person. The most important thing is that the person

    Tips to Know if a Company Has a Culture of Gender Equality

    Whatever their gender, most people prefer to work for companies that treat all of their employees fairly.  Very few people would choose to work in an environment that either filled them with resentment — or made them

    Supplements for staff should be used to ‘keep companies healthy’

    Pharma Nord – a stockist of various nutritional supplements, including ubiquinol – is calling for employees to supply vitamins to their workforce.