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    Airflow for clean, healthy teeth with your dentist Wagga

    It is important that you visit your dentist Wagga on a regular basis to make sure that your teeth are clean and strong and free of signs of decay or disease. Your dentist Wagga will be able to assess how well you are taking care of your teeth at home and look for any areas that you may need to work on. In addition, at regular appointments your dentist will remove any plaque that may be present on the surface of your teeth. Your dentist will also recommend that you visit the hygienist or undergo a professional scale and polish at least once every six months to prevent plaque from developing into tartar.

    Gum disease

    By visiting the dentist and hygienist you can enjoy a clean, healthy mouth and fresh breath. Your dentist Wagga can also look for signs of gum disease. Gum disease affects a significant percentage of the population to some extent however if it is left unaddressed then it can progress and result in periodontal disease. If periodontal disease is left unaddressed this can cause irreversible damage to your teeth and may result in tooth loss.

    Your dentist will educate you on how to best take care of your teeth at home. Plaque can quickly build up in your mouth if you do not brush and floss after meal times and it is important that you are removing plaque effectively to prevent tooth decay or gum disease. By visiting your dentist Wagga they can take care of plaque and tartar in hard to reach areas which you may not be able to clean at home.

    Nervous patients

    Many people feel anxious about visiting the dentist or undergoing a hygienist appointment to clean their teeth. Thanks to advances in dental technology there are easy and effective ways of cleaning your teeth. Speak to your dentist Wagga and find out about Airflow therapy as an excellent alternative to a traditional scale and polish.

    Airflow therapy

    Airflow therapy uses a mixture of warm water, air and a special fine powder to remove the plaque or biofilm in your mouth. Airflow is useful in removing stains and biofilm around your natural teeth, around restorations including fillings, crowns, veneers and dental implants. There are many advantages of air flow therapy for cleaning your teeth. Firstly Airflow therapy cleans and polishes your teeth in one step. It is non-abrasive and it is a minimally invasive procedure. Airflow allows the dentist to preserve the integrity of your natural tooth, restorations that have been carried out in your mouth, dental implants and your soft tissues. It is important to note that Airflow is a relatively pain free procedure rather it is described as being very comfortable including for those with sensitive teeth. Many people are scared of visiting the hygienist, especially nervous patients and for those airflow therapy is an excellent alternative to a traditional scale and polish.

    Speak to your dentist Wagga and find out more about the benefits of Airflow therapy and why you should undergo professional cleaning regularly to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.


    All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.